Leadership through Eyes of a Coach...Alan Booth

Monday, September 22, 2014


"I do not feel I am getting through to my manager." A frequent statement I hear from client's staff and employees.

So how to you get your voice heard? A few suggestions...

"Hey boss, I would respect your insights on how we can better communicate around ideas I have. Willing to set an appointment to discuss?" 

"I could be misreading you: when I offer my ideas and I don't sense you support them, perhaps your expectation is just to move forward and you have no concerns."

"What I really need is your validation that my ideas are viable and your are willing to support them...or even have suggestions how I could best put them into action."

Note to self:

Am I seeking validation because I need my bosses approval of myself?  Well, self validation is the best way to become more motivated to do what you think is right!

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