Leadership through Eyes of a Coach...Alan Booth

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Steve Strombelline My Mentor

Steve was my client for over 10 continuous years.

In year two, he asked my why I think he keeps inviting me back?

Diplomatically I said: "Steve, I am interested in your perspective, please."

"Alan, you are one of a kind.  First, having never been in banking, you volunteered to get your Series 7 and study the 63. That is impressive"

"But my staff tells me you have the patience to learn about them.  Annie tells me you frequently ask about her son, Noah. Terry comfortably tells you about her frustrations managing one of her employees."

Essentially you are my co-boss!

Mentor T.J. Elliott

T.J. Elliot


Honors to Mark Fisch

He hired me for the wrong reasons.
I did not meet the job requirements 
My current position was in a different industry

I was competing with experienced pharma reps
After 4 days of interviews, one in the field with a future peer,
He and his manager decided I was the one!


"...because it is better to train someone from scratch
rather then retrain experienced people."

After one of his field visits, I got calls from the
three other reps in the Buffalo area, wondering
what Mark was up to.

So I asked Mark about this.

He said he must be a failure because each of us
had an annual plan to grow ourselves and business.

"I only have one role: to cause my people to be successful."

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Bill Lambert My Mentor

Bill Lambert gave me my first job out of college
He saw so much more about my talent than I did.
He supported my quest to enable union workers to act independently
His best talent was encouraging me to take risks
So when he appointment me General Manager at American Optical, he know I would succeed
With that attitude, I did!

Monday, May 4, 2020

Not Laid Off?

Time to change gears before you are asked by someone else

Get out of neutral

Feel the panic of  being unemployed

Use fear to motivate you into action

If you have had the same job for even one year...it is time to move on.

Your competition is!

What three firms do you dream working for?  Get names. Engage them around their challenges.

This is not about you...always about them.

Use the biggest and free database: LinkedIn.  Add 5 new people a day. How?

Around challenges.

"Bob, I noticed your name in the WSJ where you commented on the challenge of working at home. Having made that transition five times in my career I think sharing experiences might help both of us. Willing to connect?"

Let's you and I talk.  AlanBoothCoach is helping executives meet their next boss.  I have done that for 26 years.

Alan Booth | Executive Coach
Facilitating Transitions
Instructor, NYU School of Leadership
