Leadership through Eyes of a Coach...Alan Booth

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Misuse of CEO Power

After a review of the CEO's I have coached, 85% appear to use the power of their office in getting things done with their staff!

That causes the executive to be overwhelmed with work others could do.

I ask: is the underlying cause the need for control?

A client just told me they are overwhelmed with people needing to come to her for decisions and opinions.

Part of that phenomena might be a lack of trust of others.

What is the worse case scenario in empowering her staff to take greater responsibility?

They might make some poor decisions which they can learn from.

So how does one get over so much need for control?

Answer: we talk about it in order for the client to discover why they are in this situation. From that discussion, one discovers ways for greater success.

Saturday, August 11, 2018


I need insights into the "black box" of year end compensation decisions.

Two of my clients are looking for better ways to use compensation as a motivator for higher performance.  Once a year conversations does not do that and most people I ask feel it is a mystery how their bonus and base are calculated based on achivement of specific goals or expectations assigned.

Question: how can we effectively manage-inspire an individual's achievement of annual goals and expectations using $$$ conversations on a regular, say monthly, basis?

The challenge seems to be creating a culture where people clearly know the financial impact of their work throughout the year.
What has been your experience? Suggestions?



Alan Booth
Management Consultant
Executive Coach
Instructor, NYU School of Leadership
Land: 203.454.3502
Cell: 203.216.6232


It is my experience that top executives frequently avoid firing people. So when my client, CEO Frank asked me: "Should Bob be terminated?" I was surprised...but he was more so at the end of this project.

Frank inherited Bob as VP Sales when he came to this private company three years ago.

Bob was criticized for the lucrative deals he cut with customers rather than protecting margin goals. [I was not sure if that really was the disconnect]

So Frank hired a new VP Sales and moved Bob over to Strategic Accounts selling. But in this role he struggled to meet Franks expectation of effective presentations that could result in business solutions that were win-win.

However, Bob was good at developing trusting relationships with customers, his rep organizations and distributors. Second, he consistently arranged appointments with senior executives ... he just did not have the ability to design and present programs for his strategic accounts.

If Bob was terminated, the company risked destroying the relationships he had built up for years, putting at risk significant business revenues.

With the CEO battling Bob through lengthy emails, threats and heels being dug in on both sides, there was a risk that Bob might be near suing for harassment.

Send me your thoughts and I will forward the actual solution.




Alan Pic Oct 17

Virtually every second generation business owner I have worked with, complain that conversation at home is always focused on Dad's business.

This at the exclusion of spouse and kids. I experienced with the same thing with my Dad who spent nearly every weekend fixing up our house. I still have many of his paint brushes he left me. I believe some have over 10,000 hours on them.

Big Surprise when my wife told me 15 years ago, that my tombstone should simply say "HE WORKED"

Bigger surprise when I woke up one day realizing that all of my "friends" were associated with my business. No real friends.

So I am on the mission to making genuine friends and finding the strength to turn off business implications.

Hard work!


Friend Finder and Executive Coach

My HR Friend

Surprised to receive this message from a former HR friend

Yes Alan, truth hurts. Surely my friend the honest, candid and unvarnished 1-to-1 coaching feedback you provide clients have caused an unintended narcissistic wound, or few over the years? 

Coaching does not really involve feedback, rather motivation for a client to self-reveal. Perhaps this person would genuinely benefit from executive coaching!

To my friend: "What is causing you to bring up narcissism?"

Who Are You?

To really succeed,
you need to know
yourself better than
anyone else and to
be able to clearly
present who you are
with confidence


Every single person I ask about their perception of coaching has a different answer.

So let me clarify through a very short video

I was stunned when an executive replied, "I enjoy good acting but turned off by the money part." Whew! I am in a heap of trouble with my profession!


Sharing the position of a majority of executives I meet and coach

An executive I met this morning says, "I have been doing this for over 30 years. I am THE expert.

He has quit looking for opportunities to grow himself or his business.

If this describes you, would you be interested in finding out how to grow your job satisfaction, # of clients, # of clients who introduce you to their friends [as the only source of business]?

You Did What?

As a leader, if you can strengthen these non-financial factors, your business will could organically double in 3 years. This is from my 25 years of experience with intense listening]

Seems these three things are a challenge for leaders to involve the bottom of their organization; where, surprisingly many key answers are waiting to be heard!

  • Appreciation for work done
  • Feeling "in"on things
  • Growth opportunities

So: which area could you personally develop?




Working in the oilfields of Houston, Texas, an HR manager came up to let me know he had to settle a dispute in another plant.

So curious me, I asked him what approach would he use.

"Alan, my first approach is to be armed."


Seems Texas law allowed concealed weapons at work...beyond the rifles on the gun racks of pick up trucks.

The most important thing we needed to do on this assignment was build a culture of collaboration. Stakeholders at all levels needed to be involved in projects from the beginning to cause ownership on an individual basis.

Were guns every pulled at this plant? Yes.

Why? Because mangers needed better awareness of how they disconnect from their people. That awareness, alone, leads to more effective collaboration, not power struggles
