Leadership through Eyes of a Coach...Alan Booth

Monday, July 11, 2011


The answer: start every conversation about them - not what you want them to do.

This is the first step in strengthening relationships which results in greater trust which results in people wanting to take action. Oh! That is called "motivation".

You might know Bill who has placed one of his key employees on notice for an attitude that interferes significantly with her being successful with her internal clients. Here is how he has started meetings about her performance: "You know how critical this is to your job security?" [Nice threat, Bill, but won't inspire her to change]. Attempt #2: "Tell me how you are making progress..." [Bill, you know she will tell you what she thinks you want to hear...'doing just fine']

Third meeting: Bill relates how as her manager, he simply does not understand why she comes across as she does - "what goes on in your head that causes you to be firm with people in a way that they feel you are not understanding them?"

Her eventual answer: "Throughout my career I have struggled with developing relationships with people who I feel know more than I, as a lawyer, do. I need to work on this and would appreciate your help."

So you want to inspire others to action? Make your conversations about them, get to know them better and build enough trust so that they want to tell what's really going on in their head when you challenge them. Then you can truly exercise leadership in helping them succeed.

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