Leadership through Eyes of a Coach...Alan Booth

Monday, July 8, 2013


Avoiding or delaying resolution of conflict, enables  the counter party to continue the behaviors that are so annoying. By not confronting the other person, we are sending the message, "It is OK".

As the tension rises, the organization is distracted or discouraged and the executive involved begins to look weak for not addressing the conflict head-on.
Potential "helps":

n  When the conflict is occurring, state: "This is not working"

n  No response? Stand up to exit discussion, "Let's try this tomorrow morning at 8:00."

n  "I" statements stop defensiveness. "I need to find a way for us to get on the same page."

n  "Help me understand what is causing you to act this way?"  Active listen. Validate that you have heard what the other person is saying.

The sooner one confronts unacceptable behavior, the shorter it takes to resolve.  But be patient enough to give the other person time to buy-in and own their part of the relationship.

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