Leadership through Eyes of a Coach...Alan Booth

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


There is no doubt that the majority of successful leaders have developed strong relationships throughout their organization - a skill that got them to "climb the ladder".

As I coach to a high potential manager just coming out of an extensive leadership development program, I need to remind myself that this skill is rarely understood. As my previous post states, 'It's all about them' to start a better relationship. She said, "But I need to sound genuine..."

Good point. One needs to genuinely care about what others do, why they are successful, how they got to where they are and their challenges. Any conversation that even hints of a motive to use another for political purpose simply does not work. That's a big challenge for eager, smart, impatient and passionate managers.

What does the "right" way sound like?

"Bob [two levels above], I keep hearing from your team that you are one of the best people in our organization to work for. I am dealing with a couple of management challenges that I would respect your insights in how to approach. Can we meet?"

This does not need start with a compliment.

"Mary, at the company-wide meeting yesterday, I sensed some frustration around how we are reacting to market pressures. Any advice on how I might step up with my group?"

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